Thursday, August 2, 2012

Fire Bender

Created my own Fire Bender character, inspired by the TV show 'The Legend of Korra' 
done in Adobe Illustrator CS5.1

The Slow Reader


The last entry for the 'Caf'e The Art of Online Calls for Entry' contest of 'Sustaining/ Creating'. 
This piece was inspired by the story 'The Tortoise and the Hare'. My spin on this tale is showing how their are some people out their that are not as fast readers as others, that it takes time to read so written material can be progress fully and able to understand. In this illustration the bunnies are very fast readers and are going through as many books as they can. While the turtle has only begun to read his book. But being a slow reading does not have to be a bad thing. While others may read faster, they may not remember certain details as someone how takes time to enjoy to story and puts the words on the page into something visual in their minds. This is done in Corel Painter 12 in the pastel setting.

Longer Thinking Process


Third entry for the 'Caf'e The Art of Online Calls for Entry' contest of 'Sustaining/ Creating'. 
This piece is showing how it take my longer to process something, and it makes it harder for me knowing that the clock is ticking with a deadline to meet. Done in Corel Painter 12, in pastels. 

Paint with Imagination


Another entry for the 'Cafe' The Art of Online Calls for Entry' contest of 'Sustaining/ Creating'. 
This piece reflects on my learning disability not being a burden, but has helped me in certain ways. One way being that of being a visual learning, I like to see things clearly in my imagination before setting it onto paper or a canvas. So I like to think that I paint with my imagination before painting with a brush. 

Which Test to Take


Another version of the 'Taking a Test' drawing. this was my final version that was enter for the contest.
Done in Corel Painter 12, in the pastel setting.

Taking a Test


This is an earlier version of my illustration for the Cafe' The Art of Online Calls for Entry contest. The contest was called the 'Sustaining/ Creating'. The contest was to have four images that illuminates innovative viewpoints on sustainability and contemporary creativity. That must illustrate on the themes  of how one reflect on living with a learning disability and its role in shaping or transforming your art. This was done in Corel Painter 12 in the pastel setting. This illustration is how i felt being singled out when it came to taking a test. while everyone in the class was taking the test, I would be given the modified test. Making me feel like things were given to me easy, and never really testing my knowledge.   

Sunday, September 11, 2011